You can help save priceless CNE memories with your donation – large or small

The Canadian National Exhibition Foundation is on a mission to save priceless CNE memories, but we need support from CNE fans. It’s a race against time to digitize and preserve more than 64,000 photo negatives in the CNE archival collection before the precious images are lost forever.
This past summer – through funding and individual donations received – the CNE Foundation was able to bring on two archives digitization interns. During their time with us, the team scanned and rehoused thousands and thousands of photo negatives in the CNE archival collection that were at risk due to Vinegar Syndrome. This causes them to crack and lose their content. In total, the team scanned 4,389 negatives and rehoused 8,566 negatives!
The departure of our summer interns means that the digitization work is paused for now. With the support of the CNE community, we can raise enough funds to resume this important work and save as many images in the collection as possible.
You can help save the CNE’s history for future generations with your donation, large or small. Please visit our Donate to the CNE Foundation page to donate today in support of the CNE Archives Project. Donations of $20 or more are eligible for a charitable tax receipt.
Thank you for your support.
To learn more about the CNE Archives Project, please click here.