Pre-Planning Your CNE Visit

To assist you with planning for you visit prior to attending the CNE, we have provided some information that might be helpful in knowing before you come down to the CNE.

CNE Admission Policy

Persons with disabilities

Similar to other Toronto attractions, the CNE offers its guests with disabilities a 50% discount on regularly-priced CNE admission upon self-declaration to CNE gate staff. This discount applies to “in-person” (at the CNE entry gates) purchases only.

If a guest with a disability requires assistance during their CNE visit, they receive complimentary admission for their support person upon presentation of an Access 2 Card.

This special CNE discount is not available online.

The CNE uses the same definition of “disability” as the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), which includes both visible and non-visible disabilities.

Service Animals

Visiting with a service animal? The CNE is happy to welcome you with your service animal during your visit. There is a limit of one service animal per guest.

Gate staff will identify service animals in accordance to AODA rules.

Service animals must identify with one of the following:

• Animal is wearing a service vest or harness

• The person may have a letter from a doctor or nurse

• An animal may be providing assistance

• The person may show a valid identification card or training certificate from a recognized service animal training school

Your Guide Dog or other support animal must be controlled by a leash or harness. It is your responsibility to ensure the comfort and safety of both your service animal and fellow visitors, while you are at the fair.

Service animals are not permitted on any fair rides, and must be supervised by a non-riding member of your party while you are on ride.

Note: CNE Animals housed in The Farm and at the SuperDogs Show must not experience any level of distress related to the service animals being brought on-site. Any issues of this nature will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

Transportation to & from the CNE

The CNE grounds are conveniently serviced by both the TTC and GO Transit, which offer accessible routes to the fair.

GO Transit

The Exhibition GO Station is situated at the

north end of the grounds. It has an elevator,

and is wheelchair accessible.

For additional information:


• 1-888-438-6646

• 1-800-387-3652 teletypewriters

For Go Transit service alerts visit:


Both TTC buses and streetcars have regular stops at Exhibition Place.


29 Dufferin – stops at the Dufferin loop, a short walk from the Saskatchewan Gate at the west end of the grounds. Accessible low-floor buses equipped with ramps serve all TTC bus routes.


511 Bathurst – stops at the TTC/GO entrance, situated at the north end of the grounds.

504B Streetcar – from Broadview Station, stops at the Dufferin Loop.

509 Harbourfront – stops at the TTC/GO entrance, situated at the north end of the grounds. 509 Harbourfront streetcars have accessible low-floor options to accommodate wheelchairs.

For TTC service alerts visit:

For additional information:


• 416-393-4636

• 416-481-2523 for hearing impaired


The TTC provides accessible door-to-door WheelTrans service for registered customers anywhere in

the City of Toronto, 24 hours a day.

The designated Wheel-Trans drop-off zone is at the east end of the grounds, on the east side of the Enercare Centre. This area has a tented waiting area with seating. For additional information, or to book service:


• To book service, call 416-393-4222

On-site Parking

There is a limited amount of vehicle parking available on-site at the CNE. Each lot has designated accessible parking area, which is assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. Lots 850 and 852 offer the greatest number of accessible spaces. Your accessible parking permit must be displayed on your vehicle. Please note that accessible parking is available on a first-come, first-serve basis and is not guaranteed. It is suggested you arrive early when planning your visit.

• To access Lot 850 (underground parking inside the Enercare Centre), please enter grounds from the east side via Strachan Avenue to Canada Boulevard.

• To access Lot 852 (south end of grounds), enter CNE grounds at Ontario Drive. A daily parking rate applies.

A daily parking rate applies. Parking fees for 2023 range from $40 to $45. Daily fees are posted on-site each day.

Services & Amenities

Quiet Days

The CNE is typically busy with visitors enjoying the fair. If you would like to experience the fair at a quieter time, you may prefer to visit on a weekday morning, since the crowds build as the day progresses. The lightest traffic days (especially during the mornings) are:

Monday, August 22

Tuesday, August 23

Monday, August 29

Tuesday, August 30

Note: The CNE is particularly noisy and crowded on the final weekend of the fair (August 30 to September 2), due to the Canadian International Air Show practice day (Friday) and performances (Saturday, Sunday & Monday).

Wheelchair & Scooter Rentals

The CNE’s Wheelchair & Scooter Rental program is operated in partnership with Scouts Canada. As there are a limited number of wheelchairs and electric scooters available onsite, reservations are recommended. Please visit the Wheelchair and Scooter Service page to make a reservation.