Safety & Security

First Aid

Should you or someone you are with require first aid or should you see someone who does, please go to the nearest Information booth or CNE staff member.

Toronto Paramedic Services and St. John Ambulance are present around the grounds throughout the 18 days of the fair.

Where to find a First Aid station:

  • Better Living Centre (north-west corner, next to the Visitor Services Centre)
  • In the Galleria of the Enercare Centre

Please remember to bring your sunscreen & hat and drink lots of water on a hot day. For safety & First Aid tips or for more information on Toronto EMS, visit (a new browser window will open).

Ride Safety

Safety comes first at the CNE.  Each and every amusement ride at the CNE is subject to the following safety procedures:

  • Each ride is inspected and certified by the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) prior to the opening of the fair.
  • Each ride is inspected on a daily basis (all 18 days) by the CNE’s midway operator: North American Midway Entertainment (NAME)
  • All rides are also inspected by third-party safety engineers

These inspections ensure a high level of maintenance and that all safety standards are met.

Visit for more information on the TSSA and the inspection process.

Rider Responsibility

Before you get on that roller coaster, get on that go-kart or slide down that slide, follow these rules so that your ride is fun and safe.

Before the Ride:

  • Observe age, height & weight restrictions to determine whether or not the ride is appropriate for your child.
  • Read all the rules for each ride so you can then instruct your child on how to behave appropriately.

During the Ride:

  • Be sure to tie up long hair and remove any loose articles (sunglasses, hats, and jewellery) that have the potential to fall off during the ride.
  • Remain seated, buckled in and be sure to keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times.
  • Use all safety equipment that the ride offers, and remember to always listen to the operator’s instructions.

After the Ride:

  • When the ride is over, remain seated until you come to a full stop.
  • If you feel tired, stop riding or take a break – the rides aren’t much fun if you are exhausted.
  • If you find any problems with any rides, be sure to report them to the operator immediately. For more safety tips and information, visit the TSSA’s public information site at (a new browser window will open).

Your Safety is Our Top Priority

Safety comes first at the CNE, and our organization invests significant resources in a variety of security protocols in order to make the fair safe and enjoyable for our guests, employees, and the neighbouring communities. 

The CNE has a robust security plan that is based on risk assessment. We work very closely with: 

  • Toronto Police Services 
  • Toronto Fire Services 
  • Toronto Paramedic Services 
  • Various contracted security providers and consultants 

to ensure the safety of our patrons and staff throughout all 18 days of the fair. All protocols and procedures are reviewed annually prior to the event and modifications are made, if necessary. 

During the event, all activity on the CNE site and in the area is closely monitored and all potential threats are addressed immediately in consultation with law enforcement. 

What to Expect When You Arrive at the CNE

All guests should arrive with the expectation of having their bags/belongings searched.  You should avoid bringing items to the CNE which are not permitted on the grounds (see the list below). 

Guests who decline to be voluntarily searched will not be permitted entry to the CNE

Items Not Permitted on the CNE Grounds
  • Alcoholic beverages (other than those sold in licensed areas onsite),
  • Illegal drugs,
  • Weapons of any kind,
  • In-line skates, bicycles, skateboards, motorized self-balancing hover boards/scooters
  • Pets (service animals excepted)
  • Possession of any other object that endangers the safety of others (as determined by CNE staff in their reasonable discretion).

If found, prohibited items may be confiscated and disruptive or disorderly conduct may lead to expulsion from the grounds.

Please note that some areas of the CNE grounds are monitored by electronic security devices.

Weather Safety

What To Do In the Event of Severe Weather (e.g. lightning, high winds)


  • Temporary structures such as tents, canopied areas, outdoor booths, rides
  • Trees
  • Large, open areas such as green space or parking lots
  • Wet areas
  • Elevated areas
  • All metal objects including golf carts, fences, machinery, power lines, cables or cords.

Seek shelter in:

  • Large permanent buildings
  • Fully-enclosed metal vehicles (car, van or pickup truck)
  • Lowest elevation area.